'Sky Television', 'The Times', 'The Sunday Times' and 'The Sun' just to name a few (from the UK) are what makes one particular man what the Forbes Magazine would list as the 117th-richest person in the world, pocketing a net worth of $6.2....BILLION!! It can be argued that little Rupert back in the 1930's didn't care for kicking the football around the back lanes of Melbourne but instead sat his room sketching out his plans of world domination! I mean who didn't?
Another wise man who has chalked up a few more years on Mr Murdoch is a chap called Karl Marx. For the sociologists and media folk out there this name may spark a distant memory or perhaps a pretty vivid one when you scrambled through text books trying to understand his writings on Industrial Capitalism late at night with nothing more than black coffee, caffeine pills and a fast approaching deadline! As if Marx prophecised the arrival of Murdoch he stated that the ruling class (Bourgeoisie) will dominate the means of production in order to benefit themselves. Thus leaving the working class (proletariat) to be nothing more than a mindless work force breaking their backs for shillings.
But what's that I hear you say, "But Albion Shack how does this relate to Mr Murdoch? Have you gone off on another tangent?" Well folks, quite frankly NO! No I haven’t, so let’s begin.....with a visual....
Many, Many people argue that without the help of such famous Red-Top papers as 'The Sun' Conservative government would not have came into power. The above front page illustrates the extent in which these papers are willing to go to damage reputations of political parties. This in my eyes can be construed as propaganda, even such terms as the 'Looney-Left' began to become popular within this monopolised press clearly pressing to push the Right wing conservatives into a popular light with us proletariats.
Although in retrospect if I were to own such a large proportion of our media I wouldn't want to advocate political parties that were not in line with my views. You would feel obliged as such as powerful organisation to promote the benefits of your political party because their views, ideas and motives are equal to yours....so why switch sides?
Well you could say that anybody wants to "give change a chance" if you know that its beneficial for the everyday man and women, harmonising people and working towards a utopia filled with fluffy clouds and marshmallows! But if you ask me I believe it may be more to do with assistance of reaching that $6.2 Billion Mr Murdoch’s keeping in his bank. Again I hear you, "Albion Shack! You cynic you, Maybe Rupert need's that money to keep himself in elasticated suspenders and hush puppies, he just wanted change in England?
Then why switch....again!
Essentially as Karl Marx stated the means of production are dominated by the ruling class for their benefit. The Newspapers, Those adverts you watch, Those brands you see and even to some extent Dot Cotton off 'East enders' with all of her fag's and boozing are all there for a reason, owned and marketed by institutions and magnates such as Mr Murdoch!
Understandably the topic of general elections and political backing throughout the UK's timeline is much, much more deeper then what I have merely skimmed over but the purpose of this is to put out an idea, and true to my previous blog have a little bit of rant!
Enjoy, comment, slate or rate folks, it’s all a learning curve!
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