Thursday, 30 September 2010

Simon Cowell is the Devil! (Media Culture)

To me music is an expression of the soul, you can tell a lot from a group or a singer from their music. Your given a piece of them and their experiences, opinions and thoughts regardless of possible flaws in singing, a slipped note here and there or even the antics of Pete Docherty cracked up to the eyeballs singing out his soul are accepted because that band, that group or even that song has struck up a kinship within you!

 What seems to be a manipulation of Music in the charts along with our little shiny plasma screen T.V's is being manufactured by Lucifer himself, that’s right you guessed it, Simon Cowell! This is a man who looking at him has little taste in real music and the torrent of abuse he projects at the whimpering teeny boppers on the X-factor stage is little more than a smokescreen attempting to hide the fact that every media related job he has had has been given to him by his father?

The Mass Media has always propelled sub-cultures, trends and identities into our live's although there has always been formal controls on the media with establishments such as BBC or Ofcom our music was that sweet nectar that no 'corporate' could sink their claws in and indoctrinate their tasteless brands into...until Lucifer re-incarnated himself into a short little corpse with a haircut I suspect was done to cover up the 666 tattoed over his scalp! 

To name just a few of his associated acts we have West life, JLS and even that lady who looks like a beaten up Mrs Potato Head, Susan Boyle! This control over content and music charts is a developing culture within the Media that needs eradicated like a pack of plague ridden rats!  

Im going to keep this short, its becoming a rant and thats just not cool! This has been my first of many blogs and shall become more focussed as we grow, for now peace out and if you see Mr. Cowell in the street feel free to trip him up and urinate on him!

I didn't instruct you to do that its mearly a suggestion! 

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